

Color variation that results from mixing the dominant color with a small quantity of another color. For example, white paint has the tint of pink because of the addition of a small amount of red to white. Sources: Ralph Mayer, "A Dictionary of Art Terms and Techniques"; Kimberley Reynolds and Richard Seddon, "Illustrated Dictionary of Art Terms" (LPD)<br><br>Term for a color lightened with white. Also, in a mixture of colors, the tint is the dominant color.<br><br>Screening or adding white to a solid color for results of lightening that specific color.<br><br> A light value of a color, i.e., a light red; as opposed to a shade, which is a dark value, i.e., dark red.<br><br>A soft and light color; one to which white has been added. For example, white added to green makes a lighter green tint. The illustration below diagrams colors of various values. Value changes from pure hues are called tints and shades. On the right, pure hues are marked by dots. The tints made from those hues are above them.Tint can also refer to the name of whatever hue is dominant in a color. Something is tinted when color is added to it.When light is projected, its color can be tinted by sending it through a filter.The term "pastel" is used by some as a synonym for tints. First employed metaphorically by American fashion writers in 1899, "pastel" in this sense might be understood in context, but art writers generally avoid this usage to prevent their readers&#39; confusion. Failure to distinguish pastels (tints) from pastels (the medium) results in ambiguity.Other Internet resources concerned with tint: "Chalkboard" on color theory, painting materials and techniques. It has an excellent page on color saturation and intensity. Chalkboard comes from the College of Art at Southern Arkansas University. Also see chiaroscuro, color, encaustic, highlight, monochrome, nuance, tone, and value.