A statement creating a mental image of something experienced, or the act of making such a statement. Not to be confused with interpretation, description is identifying the literal qualities or realistic presentation of subject matter, along with the elements of art found ? analyses that can help to make complicated things understandable by reducing them to their component parts. It demands only the facts of what can be seen, often in one or more works of art; and partly two or more works can be described by comparing them to each other.Quote: "A picture is worth a thousand words." Proverb. Related link: The Getty Information Institute (which closed down in 1999) and the College Art Association (CAA) produced "Categories for the Description of Works of Art" in the mid 1990s. "The Categories describe the content of art databases by articulating a conceptual framework for describing and accessing information about objects and images. They identify vocabulary resources and descriptive practices that will make information residing in diverse systems both more compatible and more accessible. They also provide a framework to which existing art information systems can be mapped and upon which new systems can be developed." Also see art criticism, art history, assessment, bias, brainstorming, examination, formal analysis, meaning, order, text, and visualize.