

The degree of tones in an image ranging from highlight to shadow.<br><br>A large difference between two things; for example, hot and cold, green and red, light and shadow. Closely related to emphasis, a principle of design, this term refers to a way of juxtaposing elements of art to stress the differences between them. Thus, a painting might have bright color which contrast with dark colors, or angular shapes which contrast with curvaceous shapes. Used in this way, contrast can excite, emphasize and direct attention to points of interest.Contrast came to English from the Latin word contrastare, formed by combining contra meaning against with stare meaning to stand.When paired with compare, as in "compare and contrast," "compare" emphasizes similarities while "contrast" emphasizes differences.Related link: Sanford has a page defining contrast. Quote: "Isn&#39;t it fascinating to realize that no image, no form, not even a shade or color, &#39;exists&#39; on its own; that among everthing that&#39;s visually observable we can refer only to relationships and to contrasts?" Maurits Cornelius Escher (1898-1972), Dutch graphic artist. Also see choose, coherence, incoherence, counterpoint, definition, dissonance, incongruity, irony, and juxtaposition.